| |  | unread, certificates, [support-corpsec.sgs.com #193863] Resolved: [EXTERNAL] Verification of certificates, 6:56 AM, ------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 24 01:26:04 2022: Request 193863 Subject: [EXTERNAL] Verification of certificates Status: resolved -------------------------------------------. certificates | [support-corpsec.sgs.com #193863] Resolved: [EXTERNAL] Verification of certificates - ------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 24 01:26:04 2022: Request 193863 Subject: [EXTERNAL] Verification of certificates Status: resolved ------------------------------------------- | | | 6:56 AM | | |
| |  | unread, me, certificates 3, Verification of certificates, has attachment, 6:33 AM, Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for submitting the attached document/s reference No. INSP21007 and INSP17013 for verification of authenticity. We can confirm these documents are genuine, issued by SGS Taiwan. me, certificates 3 | Verification of certificates - Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for submitting the attached document/s reference No. INSP21007 and INSP17013 for verification of authenticity. We can confirm these documents are genuine, issued by SGS TaiwanAttachment: certificates sgs.pdf | |  | 6:33 AM | | |
| |  | me, Mail 6, Pre-Qualification of Manufacturers for Supply of DI Pipes & Fittings, has attachment, Jun 23, Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to ldnemail@slt.lk because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 450 4.1.1 <. me, Mail 6 | Pre-Qualification of Manufacturers for Supply of DI Pipes & Fittings - Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to ldnemail@slt.lk because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 450 4.1.1 <Attachment: Acknoledgement letter signed.pdf | |  | Jun 23 | | |
| |  | me, Julie-B., Mail 4, Pre-Qualification of Manufacturers for supply of DI Pipes & Fittings, has attachment, Jun 23, Delivery incomplete There was a temporary problem delivering your message to btpipes@online.ln.cn. Gmail will retry for 47 more hours. You'll be notified if the delivery fails permanently. LEARN. me, Julie-B., Mail 4 | Pre-Qualification of Manufacturers for supply of DI Pipes & Fittings - Delivery incomplete There was a temporary problem delivering your message to btpipes@online.ln.cn. Gmail will retry for 47 more hours. You'll be notified if the delivery fails permanently. LEARNAttachment: ISO9001-Beitai.jpg Attachment: certifi-02072019021333.pdf Attachment: Letter.pdf | |  | Jun 23 | | |
| |  | me, Wrg 2, Verification of certificates, has attachment, Jun 23, Respected sir/mam as per your inquiry kindly find attachment declaration latter from wrg certifications, please visit www.wrgcert.com click certificated organisation and fill details from certificate. me, Wrg 2 | Verification of certificates - Respected sir/mam as per your inquiry kindly find attachment declaration latter from wrg certifications, please visit www.wrgcert.com click certificated organisation and fill details from certificateAttachment: image.png Attachment: WRG DECLARATION LETTER FOR andhra polymers.pdf Attachment: certificate - WRG.pdf | |  | Jun 23 | | |
| |  | certificates, [support-corpsec.sgs.com #193771] Resolved: [EXTERNAL] Verification of certificates, Jun 23, ------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 23 01:55:47 2022: Request 193771 Subject: [EXTERNAL] Verification of certificates Status: resolved -------------------------------------------. certificates | [support-corpsec.sgs.com #193771] Resolved: [EXTERNAL] Verification of certificates - ------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 23 01:55:47 2022: Request 193771 Subject: [EXTERNAL] Verification of certificates Status: resolved ------------------------------------------- | | | Jun 23 | | |
| |  | me, certificates 3, Verification of certificates, has attachment, Jun 23, Dear Sir/Madam Thank you for submitting the attached documents reference No. below for verification of authenticity. We can confirm this document is genuine, issued by SGS China. IN-DL-5805-21051-TC IN. me, certificates 3 | Verification of certificates - Dear Sir/Madam Thank you for submitting the attached documents reference No. below for verification of authenticity. We can confirm this document is genuine, issued by SGS China. IN-DL-5805-21051-TC INAttachment: Benxi Beitai 2.pdf Attachment: Benxi Beitai Ductile Iron.pdf Attachment: Zhucheng three dimensional.pdf | |  | Jun 23 | | |
| |  | me, Mail 3, Non responsiveness for the PQ application, has attachment, Jun 22, ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com> Date: Wed, Jun 22, 2022 at 11:43 AM Subject: Delivery Status. me, Mail 3 | Non responsiveness for the PQ application - ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com> Date: Wed, Jun 22, 2022 at 11:43 AM Subject: Delivery StatusAttachment: Colombo eco.pdf | |  | Jun 22 | | |
| |  | me, Mail 2, Non responsiveness for the PQ application, has attachment, Jun 21, Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to info@zhenganind.com because the domain zhenganind.com couldn't be found. Check for typos or unnecessary space. me, Mail 2 | Non responsiveness for the PQ application - Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to info@zhenganind.com because the domain zhenganind.com couldn't be found. Check for typos or unnecessary spaceAttachment: Zhengan.pdf | |  | Jun 21 | | |
| |  | me, Mail 2, Meeting Minutes -Construction Guarantee Fund, has attachment, Jun 16, Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to gmlkpgf@gmail.com because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. LEARN MORE The respons. me, Mail 2 | Meeting Minutes -Construction Guarantee Fund - Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to gmlkpgf@gmail.com because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. LEARN MORE The responsAttachment: CGF MEETN-01312019231502.pdf | |  | Jun 16 | | |
| |  | SGS - No Reply, Thank you for your enquiry, Jun 15, Dear NWSDB No Last Name, Thank you for your interest in SGS Your enquiry has been forwarded to a member of the SGS team who will be in touch with you shortly. T. SGS - No Reply | Thank you for your enquiry - Dear NWSDB No Last Name, Thank you for your interest in SGS Your enquiry has been forwarded to a member of the SGS team who will be in touch with you shortly. T | | | Jun 15 | | |
| |  | me, Yamuna 3, time extension for submit documents, has attachment, Jun 10, ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Yamuna Liyanage <yamuna.liyanage.docs@gmail.com> Date: Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 5:04 PM Subject: Re: time extension for. me, Yamuna 3 | time extension for submit documents - ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Yamuna Liyanage <yamuna.liyanage.docs@gmail.com> Date: Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 5:04 PM Subject: Re: time extension for | |  | Jun 10 | | |
| |  | me, Janaka 2, Requesting of Clarification/Missing Documents for Annual Auditing, has attachment, Jun 9, Dear Sir / Madam, Please find the file attached. BR, Janaka Sapukotana.. me, Janaka 2 | Requesting of Clarification/Missing Documents for Annual Auditing - Dear Sir / Madam, Please find the file attached. BR, Janaka Sapukotana. | |  | Jun 9 | | |
| |  | me, Mail, Draft 8, Requesting of Clarification/ Missing Documents for Annual Auditing, has attachment, Jun 4, ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com> Date: Sat, Jun 4, 2022 at 5:36 PM Subject: Delivery Status N. me, Mail, Draft 8 | Requesting of Clarification/ Missing Documents for Annual Auditing - ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com> Date: Sat, Jun 4, 2022 at 5:36 PM Subject: Delivery Status N | |  | Jun 4 | | |
| |  | me, Mail 8, Standard Bidding Document Review Committee Meeting Minutes 2022/01, has attachment, Jun 4, Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to strctspecialist@waterboard.lk because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. 450 4.1.1 . me, Mail 8 | Standard Bidding Document Review Committee Meeting Minutes 2022/01 - Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to strctspecialist@waterboard.lk because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. 450 4.1.1 Attachment: sbdrc 111-01172019002701.pdf | |  | Jun 4 | | |
| |  | Mail Delivery Subsy. 2, Delivery Status Notification (Failure), Jun 4, Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to wtspecialist@waterboard.lk because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 450. Mail Delivery Subsy. 2 | Delivery Status Notification (Failure) - Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to wtspecialist@waterboard.lk because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 450 | | | Jun 4 | | |
| |  | me, DGM 2, Re-appointment of Committee Members-PQ PE St. Anthony's Indu., has attachment, Jun 3, Noted with thanks. Eng. AS Kaluarachchi 0773785861 / 0112638102 Deputy General Manager (Development) National Water Supply and Drainage Board On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 11:50 AM agmpnd doc <agmpnddoc@. me, DGM 2 | Re-appointment of Committee Members-PQ PE St. Anthony's Indu. - Noted with thanks. Eng. AS Kaluarachchi 0773785861 / 0112638102 Deputy General Manager (Development) National Water Supply and Drainage Board On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 11:50 AM agmpnd doc <agmpnddoc@Attachment: re-appoitment of members.pdf | |  | Jun 3 | | |
| |  | Google, Security alert, Jun 3, A new sign-in on Windows agmpnddoc@gmail.com We noticed a new sign-in to your Google Account on a Windows device. If this was you, you don't need to do anything. If not, we'll help you secure. Google | Security alert - A new sign-in on Windows agmpnddoc@gmail.com We noticed a new sign-in to your Google Account on a Windows device. If this was you, you don't need to do anything. If not, we'll help you secureReview Activity | | | Jun 3 | | |
| |  | me, postmaster 3, Verify the Product Conformity Certificate for Butterfly Valve, has attachment, Jun 2, ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: agmpnd doc <agmpnddoc@gmail.com> Date: Thu, Jun 2, 2022 at 10:35 AM Subject: Verify the Product Conformity Certificate for Butterfly Valve To: <. me, postmaster 3 | Verify the Product Conformity Certificate for Butterfly Valve - ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: agmpnd doc <agmpnddoc@gmail.com> Date: Thu, Jun 2, 2022 at 10:35 AM Subject: Verify the Product Conformity Certificate for Butterfly Valve To: <Attachment: Fouress - Butterfly Valve.pdf | |  | Jun 2 | | |
| |  | Google 4, Security alert, Jun 1, A new sign-in on Windows agmpnddoc@gmail.com We noticed a new sign-in to your Google Account on a Windows device. If this was you, you don't need to do anything. If not, we'll help you secure. Google 4 | Security alert - A new sign-in on Windows agmpnddoc@gmail.com We noticed a new sign-in to your Google Account on a Windows device. If this was you, you don't need to do anything. If not, we'll help you secureReview Activity | | | Jun 1 | | |
| |  | The Google Account ., Agmpnd, take the next step on your Windows device by confirming your Google Account settings, Jun 1, Hi Agmpnd, Thanks for signing into Google on your Windows device. Please confirm your Google Account settings are still right for you. Complete the Privacy Checkup This step-by-step guide helps you. The Google Account . | Agmpnd, take the next step on your Windows device by confirming your Google Account settings - Hi Agmpnd, Thanks for signing into Google on your Windows device. Please confirm your Google Account settings are still right for you. Complete the Privacy Checkup This step-by-step guide helps you | | | Jun 1 | | |
| |  | me, 陈三清 3, (no subject), has attachment, May 23, Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for your email. This mentioned letter was provided from LESSO and sent by National PVC company to you. -- Best wishes & regards! Mr. Ray Chen Overseas Dept. LESSO Group. me, 陈三清 3 | (no subject) - Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for your email. This mentioned letter was provided from LESSO and sent by National PVC company to you. -- Best wishes & regards! Mr. Ray Chen Overseas Dept. LESSO GroupAttachment: 1a Guangdong (4).pdf Attachment: 2a central lesso (2).pdf | |  | May 23 | | |
| |  | me, Mail 10, Revision of CIDA Registration Grades for Construction Contractors - Circular, has attachment, May 8, Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to sewspecialist@waterboard.lk because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 450. me, Mail 10 | Revision of CIDA Registration Grades for Construction Contractors - Circular - Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to sewspecialist@waterboard.lk because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 450Attachment: cida cir-12192018012759.pdf | |  | May 8 | | |
| |  | me, Mail 4, Requesting of clarification/missing docs, has attachment, May 8, Message not delivered There was a problem delivering your message to achira_j@iclould.com. See the technical details below. LEARN MORE The response was: The recipient server did not accept our requests. me, Mail 4 | Requesting of clarification/missing docs - Message not delivered There was a problem delivering your message to achira_j@iclould.com. See the technical details below. LEARN MORE The response was: The recipient server did not accept our requestsAttachment: VACC HOL-12212018015929.pdf | |  | May 8 | | |
| |  | Megatech, me 2, RE: Karon Valve PQ - request of additional documents by NWSDB, has attachment, May 3, Dear Sir Pre-qualified Manufacturers for Supply of DI Valves Please find attached Form XII for your necessary action. Assistant general Manager Planning & Design- Documentataion NWS&DB On Tue,. Megatech, me 2 | RE: Karon Valve PQ - request of additional documents by NWSDB - Dear Sir Pre-qualified Manufacturers for Supply of DI Valves Please find attached Form XII for your necessary action. Assistant general Manager Planning & Design- Documentataion NWS&DB On Tue,Attachment: FORM XII sample for Power of Attorney.docx | |  | May 3 | | |
| |  | Iresha, me 6, Fwd:, has attachment, May 3, ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: agmpnd doc <agmpnddoc@gmail.com> Date: Tue, May 3, 2022 at 11:23 AM Subject: Fwd: To: <addlgmpnp@gmail.com> Cc: <addlgmw@waterboard.lk>,. Iresha, me 6 | Fwd: - ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: agmpnd doc <agmpnddoc@gmail.com> Date: Tue, May 3, 2022 at 11:23 AM Subject: Fwd: To: <addlgmpnp@gmail.com> Cc: <addlgmw@waterboard.lk>, | |  | May 3 | | |
| |  | Megatech (Pvt) Ltd, Karon Valve PQ - request of additional documents by NWSDB, has attachment, Apr 29, Assistant General Manager (P&D-Doc) National Water Supply & Drainage Board Ratmalana Dear Sir / Madam Pre-qualified Manufacturers for Supply of DI Valves We acknowledge the receipt of the. Megatech (Pvt) Ltd | Karon Valve PQ - request of additional documents by NWSDB - Assistant General Manager (P&D-Doc) National Water Supply & Drainage Board Ratmalana Dear Sir / Madam Pre-qualified Manufacturers for Supply of DI Valves We acknowledge the receipt of theAttachment: Requesting details from conditionaly Pre-qualified Manufacturer.pdf | |  | Apr 29 | | |
| |  | Megatech (Pvt) Ltd, RE: Karon Valve PQ - request of additional documents by NWSDB, has attachment, Apr 29, Assistant General Manager (P&D-Doc) National Water Supply & Drainage Board Ratmalana Dear Sir / Madam Pre-qualified Manufacturers for Supply of DI Valves We acknowledge the receipt of the. Megatech (Pvt) Ltd | RE: Karon Valve PQ - request of additional documents by NWSDB - Assistant General Manager (P&D-Doc) National Water Supply & Drainage Board Ratmalana Dear Sir / Madam Pre-qualified Manufacturers for Supply of DI Valves We acknowledge the receipt of theAttachment: Requesting details from conditionaly Pre-qualified Manufacturer.pdf | |  | Apr 29 | | |
| |  | me, Mail 4, contact details request, has attachment, Apr 25, ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com> Date: Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 1:45 PM Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) To: <. me, Mail 4 | contact details request - ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com> Date: Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 1:45 PM Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) To: <Attachment: san trd.pdf | |  | Apr 25 | | |
| |  | me, Mail, Draft 5, Add Lesso brand fittings with National brand PE pipes Sri Lanka, has attachment, Apr 25, Forwarded Conversation ------------------------ ---------- To: <agmpnddoc@gmail.com> To: <raychen@lesso.com> Date: Wed, May 4, 2022 at 1:13 PM To: <raychen@less. me, Mail, Draft 5 | Add Lesso brand fittings with National brand PE pipes Sri Lanka - Forwarded Conversation ------------------------ ---------- To: <agmpnddoc@gmail.com> To: <raychen@lesso.com> Date: Wed, May 4, 2022 at 1:13 PM To: <raychen@lessAttachment: Guangdong.pdf Attachment: central lesso.pdf | |  | Apr 25 | | |
| |  | Concrete Chemical P., RE: Mastic Material for Protection of Flange Joints FW: We write to inquire the cost for Flash Point Tests to ASTM D 93 for the product TDS attached herewith., Apr 20, Dear Madam, please be so kind to acknowledge receipt of my email dated 21.03.2022. Thank you and best regards Ralf From: Concrete Chemical Products [mailto:concreteralf@eureka.lk] Sent: Tuesday, April. Concrete Chemical P. | RE: Mastic Material for Protection of Flange Joints FW: We write to inquire the cost for Flash Point Tests to ASTM D 93 for the product TDS attached herewith. - Dear Madam, please be so kind to acknowledge receipt of my email dated 21.03.2022. Thank you and best regards Ralf From: Concrete Chemical Products [mailto:concreteralf@eureka.lk] Sent: Tuesday, April | | | Apr 20 | | |
| |  | me, rahul.cha., Mail 5, Requesting of clarification/Missing Documents, has attachment, Apr 14, Message not delivered There was a problem delivering your message to achira_j@iclould.com. See the technical details below. LEARN MORE The response was: The recipient server did not accept our requests. me, rahul.cha., Mail 5 | Requesting of clarification/Missing Documents - Message not delivered There was a problem delivering your message to achira_j@iclould.com. See the technical details below. LEARN MORE The response was: The recipient server did not accept our requestsAttachment: Electrotherm.pdf | |  | Apr 14 | | |
| |  | VACC Holdings, DI Pre-Q Electrotherm VACC Agreement Renewal.pdf, has attachment, Apr 11, Dear Madam, Attached herewith Agency agreement renewal of Electrotherm and VACC. We are expecting other requested documents along with the embassy endorsed Agreement. As soon as the originals received. VACC Holdings | DI Pre-Q Electrotherm VACC Agreement Renewal.pdf - Dear Madam, Attached herewith Agency agreement renewal of Electrotherm and VACC. We are expecting other requested documents along with the embassy endorsed Agreement. As soon as the originals receivedAttachment: ElectrothermVACCAgreementRenewal.pdf | |  | Apr 11 | | |
| |  | me, VACC 2, Requesting of Clarification, has attachment, Apr 7, Dear Madam, I requested your clarification details as soon as I receive your email, from the Manufacturer. Please let us have few weeks as some certifications take longer time to obtain as of this. me, VACC 2 | Requesting of Clarification - Dear Madam, I requested your clarification details as soon as I receive your email, from the Manufacturer. Please let us have few weeks as some certifications take longer time to obtain as of thisAttachment: Electrotherm.pdf | |  | Apr 7 | | |
| |  | Concrete Chemical P., RE: Mastic Material for Protection of Flange Joints FW: We write to inquire the cost for Flash Point Tests to ASTM D 93 for the product TDS attached herewith., Apr 5, Mrs. Anusha Adihetty, AGM – DOC, Tel 0772984124 Mrs. Lekha, Chief Engineer – DOC Mrs. Lakmini Gamage, Documentation, NWSDB Dear Madam, please be so kind to acknowledge receipt of my email dated 21.03.. Concrete Chemical P. | RE: Mastic Material for Protection of Flange Joints FW: We write to inquire the cost for Flash Point Tests to ASTM D 93 for the product TDS attached herewith. - Mrs. Anusha Adihetty, AGM – DOC, Tel 0772984124 Mrs. Lekha, Chief Engineer – DOC Mrs. Lakmini Gamage, Documentation, NWSDB Dear Madam, please be so kind to acknowledge receipt of my email dated 21.03. | | | Apr 5 | | |
| |  | Maryam Mohideen, Pre-Qualification for supply of DI/CI Butterfly valves, has attachment, Mar 29, Dear madam, Letter from Fouress regarding above Best Regards Dilipan Tyagarajah Energy & Power Development (Pvt) Ltd. Maryam Mohideen | Pre-Qualification for supply of DI/CI Butterfly valves - Dear madam, Letter from Fouress regarding above Best Regards Dilipan Tyagarajah Energy & Power Development (Pvt) LtdAttachment: IMG_20220329_155935_HDR~2.jpg Attachment: IMG_20220329_155624_HDR~2.jpg Attachment: IMG_20220329_160256_HDR~2.jpg | |  | Mar 29 | | |
| |  | Concrete Chemical P., Mastic Material for Protection of Flange Joints FW: We write to inquire the cost for Flash Point Tests to ASTM D 93 for the product TDS attached herewith., has attachment, Mar 21, Mrs. Anusha Adihetty, AGM – DOC, Tel 0772984124 Mrs. Lekha, Chief Engineer – DOC Mrs. Lakmini Gamage, Documentation, NWSDB Dear Madam, following our meeting on 03.03.2022 and discussion of Denso. Concrete Chemical P. | Mastic Material for Protection of Flange Joints FW: We write to inquire the cost for Flash Point Tests to ASTM D 93 for the product TDS attached herewith. - Mrs. Anusha Adihetty, AGM – DOC, Tel 0772984124 Mrs. Lekha, Chief Engineer – DOC Mrs. Lakmini Gamage, Documentation, NWSDB Dear Madam, following our meeting on 03.03.2022 and discussion of DensoAttachment: Densyl Mastic.pdf Attachment: Denso Profiling Mastic.pdf | |  | Mar 21 | | |
| |  | me, Mail 4, PQ PE pipes & fittings, has attachment, Mar 18, Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to ir@liansu.com because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 551 5.1.1. me, Mail 4 | PQ PE pipes & fittings - Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to ir@liansu.com because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 551 5.1.1Attachment: Guangdong.pdf | |  | Mar 18 | | |
| |  | me, Mail 2, PQ PE pipes & fittings, has attachment, Mar 18, Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to oversea@liansu.com because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 551 5.1.1. me, Mail 2 | PQ PE pipes & fittings - Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to oversea@liansu.com because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 551 5.1.1Attachment: Guangdong.pdf | |  | Mar 18 | | |
| |  | me, Mail, THAHIRS 4, 2022 Annual Audit - PQ DI Pipes & fittings, has attachment, Mar 14, Dear Sir/Madam, Please find the attachment. Regards Kamal From: agmpnd doc [mailto:agmpnddoc@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022 12:58 PM To: meetall88@yahoo.cn; sxsolid369@yahoo.cn Cc: thahirs@. me, Mail, THAHIRS 4 | 2022 Annual Audit - PQ DI Pipes & fittings - Dear Sir/Madam, Please find the attachment. Regards Kamal From: agmpnd doc [mailto:agmpnddoc@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022 12:58 PM To: meetall88@yahoo.cn; sxsolid369@yahoo.cn Cc: thahirs@Attachment: NWSDB Letter 14032022.pdf Attachment: shanxi 2022 03 14-10302018015657.pdf | |  | Mar 14 | | |
| |  | me, Mail 3, 2022 Annual Audit PQ DI pipes, has attachment, Mar 2, 1st Reminder Please find the attached letter and submit as per the request. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com> Date: Wed, Mar 2,. me, Mail 3 | 2022 Annual Audit PQ DI pipes - 1st Reminder Please find the attached letter and submit as per the request. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com> Date: Wed, Mar 2,Attachment: jincheng-10182018015430.pdf | |  | Mar 2 | | |
| |  | me, Mail 9, Standard Bidding Document Review Committee Meeting Minutes 01/2022, has attachment, Feb 26, Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to sewspecialist@waterboard.lk because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 450. me, Mail 9 | Standard Bidding Document Review Committee Meeting Minutes 01/2022 - Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to sewspecialist@waterboard.lk because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 450Attachment: sbdrc-10112018020116.pdf | |  | Feb 26 | | |
| |  | Concrete, Derrick 2, RE: Mastic Material for Protection of Flange Joints, has attachment, Feb 24, Mr. W. Jayasinghe, AGM - Documentation, NWSDB Dear Mr. Jayasinghe, Further to the email from Mr. Ralf, kindly see attached TDS, TDS, flange/coupling quantities and literature. Please do get in touch. Concrete, Derrick 2 | RE: Mastic Material for Protection of Flange Joints - Mr. W. Jayasinghe, AGM - Documentation, NWSDB Dear Mr. Jayasinghe, Further to the email from Mr. Ralf, kindly see attached TDS, TDS, flange/coupling quantities and literature. Please do get in touch | |  | Feb 24 | | |
| |  | Yamuna, me 3, Business License/Uniform Credit Code- Guoming Ductile Iron Pipes Technology Co. Ltd, has attachment, Feb 24, Received with thanks. On Thu, Feb 24, 2022 at 2:40 PM Yamuna Liyanage <yamuna.liyanage.docs@gmail.com> wrote: Dear Madam, Kindly see attached certified copies of the Business License and. Yamuna, me 3 | Business License/Uniform Credit Code- Guoming Ductile Iron Pipes Technology Co. Ltd - Received with thanks. On Thu, Feb 24, 2022 at 2:40 PM Yamuna Liyanage <yamuna.liyanage.docs@gmail.com> wrote: Dear Madam, Kindly see attached certified copies of the Business License andAttachment: Enterprice Change Sheet certified by CCPIT.pdf Attachment: Business License certified by CCPIT.pdf | |  | Feb 24 | | |
| |  | Mail Delivery Subsy., Delivery Status Notification (Delay), Feb 24, Delivery incomplete There was a temporary problem delivering your message to sewspecialist@waterboard.lk. Gmail will retry for 51 more hours. You'll be notified if the delivery fails permanently.. Mail Delivery Subsy. | Delivery Status Notification (Delay) - Delivery incomplete There was a temporary problem delivering your message to sewspecialist@waterboard.lk. Gmail will retry for 51 more hours. You'll be notified if the delivery fails permanently. | | | Feb 24 | | |
| |  | Google, Critical security alert, Feb 23, Sign-in attempt was blocked agmpnddoc@gmail.com Someone just used your password to try to sign in to your account. Google blocked them, but you should check what happened. Check activity You can also. Google | Critical security alert - Sign-in attempt was blocked agmpnddoc@gmail.com Someone just used your password to try to sign in to your account. Google blocked them, but you should check what happened. Check activity You can alsoReview Activity | | | Feb 23 | | |
| |  | Yamuna Liyanage, Name change Notice -Shandong Guoming Ductile Iron Pipes Technology Co. Ltd, has attachment, Feb 21, Dear Sir, Pl see enclosed notice from manufacturer regarding the name change from Shandong Guoming Ductile Iron Pipes Technology Co. Ltd to Guoming Ductile Iron Pipes Technology Co. Ltd With Best. Yamuna Liyanage | Name change Notice -Shandong Guoming Ductile Iron Pipes Technology Co. Ltd - Dear Sir, Pl see enclosed notice from manufacturer regarding the name change from Shandong Guoming Ductile Iron Pipes Technology Co. Ltd to Guoming Ductile Iron Pipes Technology Co. Ltd With BestAttachment: Notice of Change of Company Name certified by CCPIT.pdf | |  | Feb 21 | | |
| |  | me, Mail 5, PQ DI pipes & fittings, has attachment, Feb 17, Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to ldnemail@slt.lk because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 450 4.1.1 <. me, Mail 5 | PQ DI pipes & fittings - Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to ldnemail@slt.lk because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 450 4.1.1 <Attachment: tata metaliks-10022018030147.pdf | |  | Feb 17 | | |
| |  | me, Mail 4, PQ DI pipes & fittings, has attachment, Feb 17, Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to ldnemail@slt.lk because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 450 4.1.1 <. me, Mail 4 | PQ DI pipes & fittings - Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to ldnemail@slt.lk because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 450 4.1.1 <Attachment: tata metaliks-10022018030147.pdf | |  | Feb 17 | | |
| |  | me, Mail 2, PQ DI pipes & fittings, has attachment, Feb 14, Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to lankadev@lankade.com because the domain lankade.com couldn't be found. Check for typos or unnecessary spaces and try again. The response was:. me, Mail 2 | PQ DI pipes & fittings - Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to lankadev@lankade.com because the domain lankade.com couldn't be found. Check for typos or unnecessary spaces and try again. The response was:Attachment: tata metaliks-10022018030147.pdf | |  | Feb 14 | | |