ebis.waterboard.lk - /documentation/agmdoc/Nilmini/Data_I/03-09-2024/Office Docs/All Specs/All specs in WEB/Specs 6 at 2020 on web/Works/
[To Parent Directory]
10/29/2024 1:31 PM <dir> (6a) Civil Engineering Cons
10/29/2024 1:31 PM <dir> (6b)Trench Excavation_Backfilling & RR
10/29/2024 1:32 PM <dir> (6bc) Pipeline Warning Tape
10/29/2024 1:32 PM <dir> (6bj) Mastic materials
10/29/2024 1:32 PM <dir> (6bk) Pressure Testing of DI, PVC & HDPE pipe
9/3/2024 9:41 AM <dir> (6bx) As-Built information in GIS format
10/29/2024 1:32 PM <dir> (6c)Service Connection
10/29/2024 1:32 PM <dir> (6d) Trenchless pipe installation
10/29/2024 1:32 PM <dir> (6e) Prevension of Mosquito Breeding
10/29/2024 1:32 PM <dir> (6f) Surveying Works
10/29/2024 1:32 PM <dir> (6g) Timber Works
10/29/2024 1:32 PM <dir> (removed 6b) Pipe Laying